Contact us

Kickan Sundblom

Kickan Sundblom

Tel: +358-(0)18-52 55 65
Mobil: +358 400 229 655

Godbyvägen 13 
AX-22100 MARIEHAMN, Åland


Patricia Holmberg

Office hours kl 7.45-16.30
Tel: +358-18-52 55 63

Mobil: +358 40 842 8082

Godbyvägen 13 
AX-22100 MARIEHAMN, Åland

Silverskärs båt

Silverskär's harbor is located on Skatan in Saltvik, approx. 35 km from Mariehamn. The boat trip to Silverskär only takes 10 minutes.

How to get to Silverskär from Mariehamn

How to get to Silverskär from Eckerö

Coordinates: Lat 60.349 469 Long 20.117 874  
GPS: Mokas 24